Treating anemia with cassava leaves

Treating anemia with cassava leaves


Anemia is an abnormal drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen in the body via the blood. This is why people suffering from anemia run out of steam and tire more quickly, because their heart must redouble efforts to transmit the same dose of oxygen. Anemia is defined as when the hemoglobin falls below 140 grams per liter of blood in the newborn, 130 g / l in the adult male and 120 g / l in the adult woman. 


Take some cassava leaves (2 wrists of leaves) • Clean and crush the cassava leaves without adding water • Mix the juice with condensed milk (small box) • Drink the mixture • Mix 1 time a day. Do on 3 days no more not less. This treatment should not exceed 3 days per month, and beyond this period, you may end up with an excess of blood in the body.
